Thursday, March 26, 2009

Manafesting Abundance Workshop

Special Meditation class: Manifest Abundance in your life Now!
You can't afford to miss this opportunity to learn how to tap into the abundance available to you RIGHT NOW at this special meditation class offered at Body & Soul Massage & Wellness Center by Reiki teacher and Wellness coach Joanna Scaparotti. She will show you how to quickly and easily enter into deep relaxation and shift the energy around you from loss and fear to abundance.
The class meets from 7:30-8:30pm for 5 weeks starting on April 1st. Space is limited so register by April 1st for the whole month for only $75. Drop-ins welcome ($20) if there is space available (call ahead to see if there is room for you to drop in that week.) Contact Joanna at 617-429-1793 or to register.

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Napoleon Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich, he discusses the importance of “A mind closed tightly against all the negative and discouraging influences, including negative suggestions of relatives, friends and acquaintances” as an indispensable habit of persistence that all successful people cultivate. In light of our changed economy and the potential for surrounding ourselves with “doom and gloom”, I thought it an appropriate reminder that we must safeguard ourselves against a damaging mindset. What’s more, our chances increase when there is a collective of positive vibration attracting opportunities. As individuals we can do our part by staying out of toxic environments, which could be as simple as turning off the news or not engaging in conversations filled with complaining and negative language. On a deep level, if you value your contribution to the world, your business and your ideas, others will value them too and your success will emerge regardless of what’s happening around you. But first, you must get control of your mind and either stay away from the people and things that push your buttons OR resign to shift your energy to the positive no matter how tempting the negative may be.

Successful people keep their minds focused on potential and positive outcomes and resist the habit of negative doom and gloom thinking that is pervasive in the media right now. You can't afford to miss this class if you want to succeed in this economy and attract positive opportunities and relationships. This meditation class, like any other, will benefit your health by deeply relaxing you, and as an added bonus you will learn how to shift away from fear and loss into abundance and positivity. You can't afford to miss it!