Body & Soul Massage and Wellness provides massage to Walkers in NSMC Cancer Walk.
For the 7th year Body & Soul is volunteering its services to the NSMC Cancer walk. "We feel it is really important to give back to the community" said Ann Sousa co-owner of Body & Soul. Kasey Lane, licensed massage therapist feels, "For years, I was the one raising money and walking or running for various charity's. This event is a way for me to share my talents with the community". "Cancer has touched many people in my life. Volunteering for this event is way for me to honor their memory.", licensed massage Linda Houle.
The 19th annual NSMC Cancer WALK is Sunday, June 21, 2009 at the scenic Salem Willows. Over the past eighteen years the WALK has contributed more than $14 million to the NSMC Cancer Center, ensuring the availability of the most sophisticated oncology services on the North Shore of Boston.
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